Mission Action Plan

Bible and booksOur Mission Action Plan can be downloaded here. (This file is 10.6MB so quite large and depending on your connection may take some time to download. Best to avoid downloading on your mobile!)

We will provide regular reports on progress.


Flowers in Church groundsHealth and Safety Policy - Beltingham with Henshaw and Haydon Bridge

Rules governing Beltingham churchyard

Our Parishes are committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults to worship and grow in Christ safely. Click here to read our Safeguarding Policy for Beltingham with Henshaw. If you wish to contact one of our Safeguarding Panel their details are on the 'Safeguarding' page or on this poster.


Fees table

Henshaw Room Hire

The Church room at Henshaw is available for hire.Yvonne Hewitt is the bookings secretary - telephone 01434 344391. The hourly rate for use of the room is £7.50. Click here for booking form and information.